Gifts are available and offered to us all of the time, and we may not even realize it. We often turn down gifts that can really help us and make life better. Only we don’t even realize we’re turning them down. Don’t think so? Let’s take a look at it, and I bet you’ll notice where this pops up in your life. Check out to get your free PDF download of how to achieve any goal that you have.

Quote Of The Week:
“Resentment is like drinking a bottle of poison and hoping it affects the person you’re mad at.”
Getting upset and angry with people is going to happen. But when we hold on to those hateful, angry feelings is when it becomes a problem. It prevents us from being truly happy. So if I can’t let go of a resentment, what can I do about it? I know something that works, and it might not be what you think.

Happy Wife, Happy Life:
My wife Rachael is down with the flu. So what a great opportunity for me to be of service and do everything in my power to help her.